Samsung Instinct has so many possibilities, it is crazy. I hope that Sprint decides to take advantage and utilize it’s capabilities.
Go to your dialer and type in ##332846368#
Enter your MSL code. If you do not know how to get it, please see Samsung Hacking 102.
Go to Toggle DDTM. Select this feature to be in the OFF position.
Go to Toggle NAI. Select this feature to be in the OFF position.
You can also go to HDR/1X Selection and change it to EVDO only. Some have reported a success in forcing the phone to be forced into using the EVDO mode (faster than any other cell company out), instead of taking the CDMA mode (slower) if it is available.
I myself, have not changed it permanently, as I saw my speeds actually slowing down. That and I am in Salt Lake City, so we have great EVDO coverage here. I average 2Mbps to 5Mbps on my speed tests. That is insane fast!
So what you just did there was two things. The DDTM is for being able to receive calls and text messages while in Internet Browser or TV mode. Factory settings do not allow that. You may choose to dismiss the call or text, or take it. After you hang up, the Internet browser or TV will resume playing.
The NAI is for the PAM (phone as modem) setting. That is one of the coolest and best tricks for someone with a cell phone and a serious need for an internet connection. You just activated your phone as modem setting. Now, how do you configure it to work?
I’ll show you how in: Samsung Instinct PAM (Phone As Modem) Setup